“Say to yourself : The world is full of money. Some of it has my name on it. All I have to do is collect it”
 - Felix Dennis

Favorites Quotes in Business

"If you are unwilling to fail, sometimes publicly and even catastrophically, you will never be rich” - Felix Dennis, How to Get Rich

"Ideas don't make you rich. The correct execution of ideas make you rich" - Felix Dennis, How to Get Rich

"If you are not embarrassed by your first version of your product, you waited to long to launch" - Shaan Puri

“Just because you have a success or two under your belt does not mean you have made it. Success is never permanent and failure is never fatal. The only thing that never counts is to never give up.” - Winston Churchill

"If you have two choices choose the harder. If you’re trying to decide if you should go out running or sit home and watch tv, go running. Probably the reason this trick works so well is that when you have two choices and one is harder, the only reason you are considering the other is laziness. You know In the back of your mind whats the right thing to do, and this truck merely forces you to acknowledge it" - Paul Graham

"Business is just an idea that is just going to make other people’s lives better" - Richard Branson

"The world is a very mailable place. If you know what you want and you go for it with maximum energy and deuce and passion the world with often reconfigure itself around you much more quickly and easily than you would think” - Mark Andreasen

"There is no short cuts around quality and quality starts with people" - Steve Jobs

"You have to make a conscious effort to make your ideas about what you want from being contaminated by what seems possible" - Paul Graham

"Advertising matters because it works" - Peter Thiel

"Superior sales and distribution by itself can create a monopoly even with nonproductive differentiation the converse is not true" - Peter Thiel

“Long term planning is often undervalued by our short term world” - Peter Thiel

"Recruiting is the founders most important job" - Steve Jobs

"Brilliant thinking is rare but courage is in even shorter supply than genius " - Peter Thiel

"The single most powerful pattern I have noticed is that successful people find value in unexpected places and they do this by thinking about business as first principles instead of formulas" - Peter Thiel

Unknown Authors

"Even though sales is everywhere, most people underestimate its importance. Distribution may not matter in fictional worlds but it does in ours. We underestimate the importance of distribution. Customers will not come just because you build it, you have to make it happen and it’s harder than it looks. "

"Reinvesting right now, for the future"

"Still have to take some funds out to enjoy life"

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