“Say to yourself : The world is full of money. Some of it has my name on it. All I have to do is collect it”
 - Felix Dennis

Thursday 3/31 - Bye St. Croix

Our last day on St. Croix and we went to the leatherback brewery which makes their local branded beers. It’s right by the airport so we thought on our way out we see it. It’s always been a dream of my dads to own his own little micro brewery. We start getting all over the top with our crazee business ideas and throw out the idea maybe one day it will happen. Only time will tell and we will see where our current and future businesses take us!

 Also Rome is not burning back home at the office my dad assures me the entire trip, but I just take some things to much to heart when they are not that big of a deal actually. This trip open my mind and thoughts to our current business and future businesses and how I want my life to look. Paying a few key people more to help run and manage, even if it’s more than what I make just so I have the freedom to travel like I want. I have to get out of the m-f 6am-6pm mindset I have my dad reminds me but it’s HARD. That’s how the world is and how I’ve always been but I need to realize I make my own schedule as long as the work is getting done and we keep growing. I’m making a bet in the next year I do 3-4 weeks of remote work at some point in the winter.. we shall see!

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